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So JesusRocks.Life began from a discussion about evangelism from the J&K Day event every year and other outreaches. There has long been a concern on how to keep the kids interested with activities.

The Beginnings of a New Ministry

Billy was approached by a friend who offered to bring the supplies needed to keep a craft table occupied by painting rocks. Well it didn’t take long for Billy to see the potential to not just paint rocks, but paint Jesus Rocks.

It was a natural progression to use not only the activity, but the painted rocks themselves as evangelistic tools. We look forward to seeing you at all the J&K Automotive Bible Study Fellowship events.

Called to Ministry

Everyone knows that the Arts are therapy and food for the soul. So, we are providing a resource for families to express their faith and belief in Jesus through the Art of painting. Specifically, ROCK painting.

Billy Johnson

Co-owner of J&K Automotive, father, husband and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Russ Tenhoff

Minister at Russ and Jenn Tenhoff Ministries and President at Realm Warriors Ministries. Man of God and Prayer Warrior!

Bill Grubbs

Webmaster, Graphic Design, IT Support, Teacher and Owner of SysQuick (IT Support company). Image coming soon….

Our Mission Is to Share Your Faith, Motivate Others and Leave Seeds Around the Community

“Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him.” Matthew 4:19-20

Jesus Christ

Our Savior

Because Christ is Our Mission

Contact us if you would like to work with us or support our ministry.


1100 North Point Rd #100, Dundalk, MD 21222